Zen Filter

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Friday, June 08, 2007

Zen meditation can help prevent age-related cognitive decline

Zen meditation can help prevent age-related cognitive decline: "Meditation might keep you young, especially Zen meditation, for a new study has found that regular practice of it, it can reduce stress in long run, as well as the cognitive decline associated with normal aging.
. . .
Researchers measured gray matter changes in 13 regular practitioners of Zen meditation and 13 control subjects matched for age and education level who never practiced meditation by employing voxel-based morphometry (VBM), a recent technique to measure gray matter changes from MRI brain scans, and a computerized task of sustained attention.

Researchers found that while both total gray matter volume and attentional performance displayed the expected decrease with age in control subjects, meditators did not show such a trend."


Blogger Ole Blue The Heretic said...

I have read that Zed meditation does wonders for stress as well, the two are probably related.

7:12 AM  

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